Wednesday 23 July 2014

All Things Wedding

I have been engaged since November 15th 2013. Wow! Has it been a long and exhausting, yet exciting ride?! I am over the moon to be able to marry my best friend and boyfriend of four years. I would definitely say that this is one of the most exciting things I have ever experience and I am sure there is more to come.
Being a young bride I have copped a lot of criticism from people around me. Can I just encourage you other young brides out there? If you are sure of the relationship you have with your boyfriend/partner and are happy to spend the rest of your life with him (good and bad aspects included) nothing should stop you from marrying him. You will definitely receive raised eyebrows and comments of disapproval. But I say, go for it!
There will be many things that you experience in this stage of your life. I don't believe that you can plan a wedding without disagreements with those you love. The most important thing is to choose your battles. You most probably won't be able to ensure that everything is perfect on your day. And that is okay- little hiccups make for good memories.
Throughout the process of planning, please don't forget to spend quality time with your husband-to-be. Take some time out, don't talk about wedding plans all the time. It can be very easy to put so much time and energy into planning the most perfect day of your lives and forget the real reason why you are doing it. Chances are, your fiancé will soon lose interest in hearing all about the wedding plans (especially in areas that don't concern him) but that is what your girlfriends are for. They will be overjoyed to hear all about the plans you have, attend appointments with you and be your go-to girl when things don't go to plan. Anyways, what I am saying is, make sure that there is you time, where you can hang out, go on dates and talk about anything & everything other than your big day.
I am not by any means saying don't talk to him at all about it, I am just suggesting that you talk to him about it in moderation. He will be pleased to see that you are excited and overjoyed, but make sure you put the same amount of excitement into your relationship.
Something else that has really helped me with wedding planning is committing everything to God. He knows your heart's desire and He wants you to have the best day imaginable. But for that to happen, He needs to be part of it. He will provide all that you need and more to pull of your wedding because He loves and cares for you. Just as Psalm 37:4 says; "Take delight in the Lord and He will give you the desires of your heart". Make sure you commit everything to Him because even if things don't go to plan, He will give you the grace to accept it, laugh about it and enjoy the day anyway.

I hope this encourages you. I am so excited for you if you have hit this stage in your life.



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